Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pork Chops

Buttered Pork Chops w/ Lemon Pepper and Rosemary.  Buttered Yukon potatoes and Harvard Sweet and Sour Beets.

Pork Chops  
3 pork chops - any kind/size
2 sprigs of fresh rosemary, minced
1 tbsp. Trader Joe's lemon pepper seasoning
1 tbsp. kosher Salt
1 tsp. pepper
3 tbsp. unsalted butter
(small plastic bowl contains the seasonings already mixed)

Mix the rosemary, lemon pepper and salt together.  Trim fat off of pork chops.  Rub spice mix on both sides of pork chops.  Melt butter in large frying pan.

Add pork chops to hot melted butter in pan.  Cook 10-15 minutes on both sides or until done.

Buttered Potatoes
2 lbs. yellow yukon potatoes
3 tbsps. unsalted butter, softened
Salt and pepper

Cut potatoes in quarters.  Boil potatoes in two quart pot filled with water, sprinkle with 2 tsps. salt.  Cover and simmer for 15 minutes until fork tender but not mushy.  

When the potatoes are ready, drain water.  Place potatoes in a serving bowl, add 2-3 tbsps. butter,  season with salt and pepper and gently mix being careful not to tear the potatoes (like I did).

Sweet and Sour Harvard Beets
1 10 oz. jar Sweet and Sour Harvard Beets
Pour beets in a small saucepan.  Stir for about 5 minutes until well heated

This was a pretty quick meal to make.  You know me, I don't want to spend all evening in the kitchen, especially after a hard days work.  I enjoy a good pork chop every now and then but when you serve them with buttered potatoes, mmmm-mmmm.  Regarding the beets, well I wanted something really quick so I just pulled the jar off the shelf and thought, "hmmmm, this sounds.....ok....and....it's quick and easy".  All I did was dump the whole jar into a microwaveable bowl and heated it for 2 minutes.  Although I do love these kind of beets, I'm still not sure how well they go with my pork chops and potatoes but I guess when you're hungry....anything sounds good.  I was also thrilled to use my new seasoning, my Lemon Pepper seasoning by Trader Joe'.  I bought it on my trip to Short Pump shopping mall just outside of Richmond, VA a few weeks ago and needed a good reason to use it so what better than Pork Chops?   Anyway, this meal ended up being a very satisfying meal, hubby and I both enjoyed it.  

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