Friday, March 11, 2011


This was not made from scratch.  I used a Pillsbury Chocolate cake mix.  Dumped it in a bundt cake pan.  Frosted it with Betty Crocker Milk Chocolate frosting and topped it off with some maraschino cherries, also dumped some of the cherry syrup into the middle.    Needed something to bake quick and easy as I was feeling under the weather today BUT had enough strength to whip this up in my new gas stove/oven. 

We bought this stove back before we moved into our new home, 3 months later it is finally installed.....the right in a professional hooked it up.  I asked hubby to see if he could please have it ready to use by my birthday and sure enough, he did :)

This was the floor model at Sears and we bought it at a wonderful price.  Gas stove, with a conventional/convection oven!  WOW!!  I am so excited :)  We did away with the electric smooth top.  I am convinced I will never, ever use a smooth top again for as long as I live.  I for the most part have cooked with a gas stove all my life and just can't get away from it.

I wanted thick, cast iron grates with a middle burner, lots of stainless steel.  The knobs are metal, not plastic.  Now,  I can't wait to wake up in the morning and cook our first big breakfast on it :)

My birthday cake being baked inside my birthday present :)

Isn't she a beaut??!

Happy Birthday to me!!  
I am SOOOO blessed
I didn't mind baking my own cake
as I needed a good reason since
I wanted to use my new stove.
You'd probably do the same, right? ;) ~isavortheweekend