Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Planting and Pool

I'm not a gardener, I do not have a green thumb but instead a brown thumb but I, like most everyone, love flowers, love all kinds of plants in and around my house.  I am very fortunate though to live with someone who does have a green thumb (my mother-in-law - MIL) and I go as far as to say that everything she touches, turns to  I joke around with her to please go around all my plants and flowers and just give them a gentle touch and that will insure a full healthy life with plenty of new growth and many blossoms to come :)

This is what I've planted so far . . . . .
Silhouette Pink Double Impatiens and Nonstop Fire Tuberous Begonia
I have these on my patio, in the shade.

My "twin" geraniums located out by the front entrance to our house

Purple Petunias
My MIL planted these beautiful purple Petunias by the front of the house, just below the living room picture window

Miniature Rose Bush
MIL's transplanted rose bush.  She brought from her apt. where she lived before.  I took this picture a week ago and it now has one beautiful red rose blossom.

My MIL's geranium plant and I believe this one is also a transplant.  This geranium is planted some where near the rose and the petunias she planted.

Tulips and Hyacinth
I planted these Tulips and Hyacinth plants in the front of the house, just below the sunroom windows.  These were my indoor Easter plants but once Easter was over, I decided to transfer them into the ground.  I listened to Martha Stewart on her radio show the other day and she said she never had any good luck in transplanting these forced bulb plants from the pot to the ground so I'm a little worried if these are going to survive or not.  I mean if MS can't do it then who can?  I'll make sure my MIL touches & "blesses" them. :) and pray they multiply for next year since they are perennials.  I LOVE perennials.  

I have these two Gerbera plants on our table on the patio.

The start of my new herb row.  I still need to find a nice pot for my Rosemary though.

Herb row continues
Don't ask me why I have so many Oregano plants, I couldn't tell you.

Purple Pansies
I could have my lawn filled with these, I love them so.

Blue Star Creeper - 
the perfect ground cover- I still can't find where I want to put it, so it stays in its pot until then.

Two kinds of Parsley - flat leaf and curly

Sorry, I can't remember what these are named but they look like some kind of a daisy.  We have yet to buy some mulch but soon and very soon we will.

Just below the "Daisies" I transplanted this green Clover from the pot.  I bought the pot just before St. Patrick's Day and since it's been doing so well, I just figured I'd try to transplant it to see how it does.  It's been in the ground for almost two weeks and it's still going strong.

Creeping Phlox
This is one of my favorite plants in this area.  It's a perennial so not only does it return every year, it spreads. It's a ground cover and I can't wait to see what it looks like in a couple of years.  This picture makes the blossoms look much bigger than they appear.  They're normally the size of my thumbnail but when bunched together with many more, this plant is a perfect Spring decorative plant.  I have these planted on each corner wall by the pool.

MIL planted these Marigolds next to the gazebo by the pool.

Once again, I don't know what kind these are.  I just saw them and fell in love them and had to bring them home.  Hubby had not taken the top off the pool yet until just a couple of days ago but not when I took this picture.

Japanese Maple
This bush is in the patio by the pool, a very beautiful bush and as I do some research on it, it will turn green for the Summer and then a vibrant reddish/orangey color in the Fall.  I will make sure to take pictures of it as it changes color.

Sweet Violet
I still have them in the pots and need to find a spot for them.  I bought two pots and I believe they're supposed to bloom all Summer long.

Hubby opened the pool this past week.  He all of sudden had the itching to open it since we had a nice week of warm weather and sunshine.  

With this being our first Spring and first Summer here, I'm excited to see what plants and bushes are already here but I'm equally excited about doing our own planting and gardening and beautifying Spottswood Place. 

Happy Spring. . . . . Summer is just around the corner ~isavortheweekend


  1. You have an absolutely beautiful garden. Love the Japanese maple!! I think I see some green on that thumb!

    The Gardening Life

  2. Beutiful! You got begonias already. Loved your flower bloom captures. Hope to see you in my Fertilizer Friday post here.

  3. Your garden looks very inviting... great japanese maple! L

  4. I am not sure if my comment came through but I loved your pansies in the purple pot! All of your flowers are so braight and cheery - thanks for sharing today! Paula in Idaho

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am flattered with all the comments, never thought I would get any, especially coming from so many experts. I love taking close ups of all my flowers and food but can you believe they were all taken with my Blackberry Bold 9700 phone camera? My other camera broke about 2 months ago and although I had to use my BB camera every now and then, I am now using it full-time. I gotta save my pennies before I can get a "real" camera so the BB camera will have to do until then and it's not disappointing. Thanks again garden bloggers, I am learning so much from you. I should have a green thumb by the end of Summer!! :) -B
