Friday, September 9, 2011

Decorating for the Season

I'm "decorating" for the season.  Not around my house quite yet, not at my office, but here in my blog.  I have this urging desire that my blog needs to change along with the seasons.  I thoroughly enjoy playing with my paint program and am getting the hang of making and creating my titles, buttons and such.  The only drawback about all this is to make sure my design stays current and changes as the seasons do.  It would be most embarrassing to have my Christmas "decorations" still up around Valentines Day, wouldn't you say? :)

Posting this pic on 9/12/11 - just to show I did do a little bit of decorating in my office.  This bunch of beautiful fall flowers serve a two-fold purpose.  One is to make my office look pretty and seasonal, two is the flower stems are taped (with green florist tape) to some cheap pens.  They work and the idea is that they never "walk away" - especially here in my office, because no coach or football player want to walk around with a pretty flower on their pen but then, I take that back - every now and then I have a wiseguy ;)


  1. Love your new design! It's great that you can do all of this on your own. I'd love to know how to make a button with a code.

  2. Paula, this is how I learned to make a grab button. Click on this link:
    If you still need help, I'll be glad to help! -Bev

  3. So cute! I love the new look.
    One of the greatest things about the seasons changing is the decorating :)
    Come over to leave a comment and enter my giveaway. My first ever, and full of beautiful things for Fall.

  4. I love your new header and button. Isn't it funny that you started decorating here instead of home or work? Is that because of all the time you spend on your blog? I know that would be true for me.

  5. What a great idea! I love your Fall header ... the colors are beautiful. And, thanks so much for your sweet visit and kind note! Becca
