Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Paint Project - Foyer

Welcome to Spottswood Place

View from front entrance
Opposite view from front entrance (from the kitchen)
View from Dining Room (to the left of the front entrance)
I plan to get a half-moon table to replace the old round table in this picture

View from the Living Room (to the right of the front entrance)

Martha Stewart I am not.  I don't have an ounce of decorating know how in my being but I do have fun trying.  Some of the paintings in the foyer are of my favorite (as of late) local folk art artist, Fay Harris, click here for the post where I featured some of her art renderings.

I've been wanting to paint the foyer of Spottswood Place since we moved here a little over a year ago but other paint projects took priority.  Although it didn't look bad before, I did buy paint for it and didn't want it to go to waste.  I knew I would eventually find the time to paint it and yesterday, the Monday after Christmas seemed to be the ideal time since I am off the whole week.  After taking down our brittle Christmas tree much to my dismay as well as the whole family's, I decided I still had enough energy and time to paint the foyer.  Five hours later, almost 8pm, I was done painting and with the clean up.  The before pictures were taken just when I started painting and then realize I hadn't taken pictures yet, that's why you see the paint bucket and stuff.  The after pictures were taken at night soon after I had finished painting.  The final pictures were taken this morning, soon after I had put everything back in it's place.  I slept like a baby last night as every muscle in my body ached (nothing Aleve couldn't take care of).  I feel accomplished and hubby is taking me out for dinner later :)


  1. Your project turned out great!!

    Doesn't it feel wonderful to be getting projects done?!
    I love that kind of tired :)

  2. Kerin, it does feel good to get something that big accomplished and check off my to-do list. Have a blessed New Year!! :)
