Saturday, February 25, 2012

New Kitchen Shelf - Finally!

This is what inspired me . . . . 

Recessed light at the top

I forgot to take pictures of when I painted the red trim after dinner last night, so yes, you do see a red trim

Can I tell you how elated I was to finally put my snow scene goblets up for display?!?  They look so happy there.  By the way family, if you're reading this. . . . . I'm missing one!! OK, who's going to fess up!?

and now my what nots and my cookbooks

opposite view from above image

Voila!  and there she is!!  Isn't she a beaut!?  

Thank you hubby, I am SOOO happy with my new kitchen shelf :) I love you!   He's not much of a smiler for the camera, plus we got just got home late from a double header basketball game at Liberty.

Click HERE to see this project from the beginning.

Has this happened to you?  Do you go around collecting items that just don't make sense at the moment but then on down the road, you've realize all of the sudden that you have a collection of some sort with the same theme?  Well that's what happened with my kitchen.  I'm drawn to tall skinny men, short chubby men, all with a long curly mustache, white apron and a chef's hat.  I don't know why but they seemed to have gathered in my kitchen.  Maybe it's because we lived in Europe for two years, I don't know.  It's a mixture of Italian, French that I love even though we lived in Germany.  Have a great weekend!!

I shared this with:
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. Your husband did a fabulous job constructing this and I love the colorful paint touches that you added to it. Your accessories look great, too!

    Would you consider getting rid of word verification? They have changed it and now it is extremely difficult to read the two words.

  2. Hi Paula, thanks so much, it really was a fun project. Oh my, I apologize, I did not realize the problem you were having. I will go in right away and fix the problem. Let me know if it doesn't work. Thx!

  3. That's one smart hubby you have making these great shelves. I just love them and I know you're going to have the best time poking stuff all over them!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. OOO, your shelf is so cute. He did an awesome job.
    I know you are enjoying it. Love the pretty things you have on it, too.
    I'll show it to Mr. Sweet but right now he is out practicing painting black squares. :)))
    I can't wait to get our shelf finished...and it won't be too long now.
    xo bj
