Saturday, June 16, 2012

For the Love of My Hubby

My hubby absolutely loves all things peanut butter.  On the other hand, I'm almost the opposite.  I will once in a blue moon crave a peanut butter sandwich but other than that,  I can't stand it.  Hubby knows it and for all the years we've been married, will every now and then, scoop up a tablespoon of peanut butter and eat it (I find this repulsive) and I don't dare let him get near me as he all of the sudden wants to hug and kiss me.  Making these cookies is a stretch for me as I don't like the smell of peanut butter.

I worked 11 hours yesterday.  We're in the middle of football camp.  Yesterday we held what's called, Friday Night Lights (FNL), football camp under the stadium lights.  The week leading up to FNL we've been holding 1 1/2 hr. football camp in the morning and another one in the afternoon.  We had around 65 campers for FNL last night and it was so much fun.  I got to go around the football field taking pictures.  It was a beautiful, cool, dry evening and holding football under the stadium lights made me more anxious for football season to get here, I could do this every Friday night.  So I didn't get home until 10p and this old lady was one pooped pup.  Today is our only day off until next Thursday, only after we have Overnight Camp which goes from Sunday through Wednesday afternoon, then Thursday we have one last 1 1/2 day AM/PM session and then we're done and ready for VACATION!!!WOOHOO!!

To tell you all that, we commemorated Father's Day today.  I cooked a steak and potatoes meal for hubby.
He also wanted me to make him some Peanut Butter Cookies.  So he bought this pre-packaged peanut butter mix a couple of weeks ago.  I lost my old favorite peanut butter cookie recipe and I usually like to make almost everything from scratch but recovering from a long day yesterday, I went ahead and caved and took the easy way out,  I used the mix.  I know, I'm SOOO ashamed. 

All I had to do was add one egg and 3 tbsps. oil.  It looked boring so I added some Reese's PB pieces.

Pre-baked.  Made the grooves with a fork.

Baked and cooling.  Gotta hide them from the hubby. 

 I made hubby a BIG cookie just for him, he likes them extra brown and crispy.  He's pointing to himself saying "this one's mine".  It makes me happy when he's content.

 View from our bedroom.
We ate outside in the gazebo by the pool.   It was a beautiful day again, no humidity with a cool breeze blowing through.  I can't wait to do more of this on my vacation.  

Happy Father's Day to my hubby, my brother and my son and to all you daddy's out there!
Have a blessed weekend and make sure to savor every moment.


  1. He looks like he's happy with his big cookie!!!

  2. Aren't you sweet to make PB cookies even though you don't like them? Your hubby will have this batch all to himself.

    Football camp sounds like hard work. Enjoy your vacation once it gets here.

  3. You are a sweet wife, and a hard worker!! :) I want to come swim in your pool and visit with you during vacation!!:)
