Monday, April 8, 2013

Street Find TV Hutch

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint has created a monster.  I'm searching all over the house seeing what else I can paint and transform and give it new life.  I remembered I had this piece of furniture in the basement for about two years now.  

One morning as I was leaving for work about two years ago, a house up the street had this two piece unit in front of it by the curb with a big sign that said "FREE".  I stopped and looked at it and decided I wanted it.  It was in great shape with a few knicks here and there.  I immediately called my hubby (good thing he's retired) and told him to go grab it!!  He said it was so heavy he had to make two trips (with a dolly).

I planned to paint my hubby's armoire as well, that's why I picked the graphite color because it was the most "manly" color ASCP had. 

Here's hubby' armoire. It's made out of cedar.  I bought it for only $25 about 25 years ago at a yard sale when we lived in NY.  I had taken off most of the varnish years ago and that's where I stopped and never did anything to it until now.

Hubby photo-bombed this pic.  He's thrilled with his new armoire.

Here's the armoire in it's rustic state, the way hubby wanted it.

So now we're back to my street find.  This is the top section.

Here's the bottom section

I decided to separate them only because it was just to high to put together in  Grandma's living room.  I placed the bottom section right in front of my military wall.

The TV would normally go into the bottom part of this top section BUT it wouldn't fit.  I'm not really crazy how it looks here but we'll let it sit here until we figure out what to do with it.  

I spent all weekend working on these three pieces of furniture along with another craft project as well as trying to put some finishing touches on my family tree.  A busy but fun weekend.  I'm certain hubby is happy that I'm back at work :)

Savoring every moment

P.S.  I had to turn on Word Verification because I'm getting a lot of SPAM! :(