Friday, August 9, 2013

Curbside Table Makeover

On our way home from church, on our street, once again I couldn't believe this sweet piece of furniture was set out by the curb.  I yelled for hubby to stop!  I'm amazed by the pieces of furniture that I find on our street.  Here are the others:

All the pieces we have found are solid wood finds.  No pressed wood, no plastic but solid wood.  I painted it an expresso brown using Rustoleum's Spray Paint, Satin Walnut.  Annie Sloan does not make an expresso brown color otherwise I would have used it.

Much to our surprise, this table opened up into what seemed to have been at one time, a sewing machine table

It seemed that at one point, the inner platform was poorly replaced by this pressed wood platform.  Overall the rest of the table was in great shape.  All I wanted was a table this size for my special spot.

The hardware only included two handles.  I painted them using this fast drying gilders paste

I wasn't sure exactly what I needed to do with these except just wipe them down with a clean cloth and set them aside to dry before I painted them

This is what they looked like the next morning after I painted them the evening before

and here they are, back on the newly painted table door

and here she is in all her glory

I had a round table (you know, the ones that we're big in the 80's, 90's?) before in this spot and I was never crazy about it.  The past two years I looked and looked  for the right table, I almost purchased a half moon table at IKEA but I decided against it only because I still wasn't ready to pay the $60-70 for it

I firmly believe that good things come to those who wait . . . . and it was FREE!!!
I love my street :)

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  1. MzzBev, I have that EXACT same sewing machine table...downstairs in my sewing room & it still has the Singer sewing machine in it, from the early 70's. It doesn't work anymore, so I keep it closed & have my serger on top. It is the perfect height!

    I'm tickled pink to see how pretty you made yours look. There is hope for mine! LOL
    Well done...I admire your work & now am off to check out that hutch & bench you snagged for free.
    (all I've ever found curbside is 2 pretty bird cages & I foolishly let them go with my home in FL) What was I thinking???

  2. Thx and Wow Rettabug, that is so cool. I was wondering just the other day what year it was made. Yes, that's all I needed, was a table just like that. It would've been nice to have some drawers but I can really do without them. The round table I had there looked way out of sorts. I'm really happy with my new find.
