Wednesday, December 4, 2013

DIY - Instant Aged Wood Look

With many Christmas decorating projects going on, I have noticed a lot of beautiful and creative aged wood decorations such as Christmas trees, plaques, even tables.  Here's how to do it.  I stumbled onto this tip by accident last Spring when hubby made some shutters for me.  

I mixed about a 1/4 cup of ASCP Graphite with 1 1/2 - 2 cups of water.

The shutter on the right is plain pre-treated wood.
The shutter on the left has been painted with the watered down ASCA Graphite solution.
I was amazed how "dead" the wood looked and it dried in almost an instant.

It didn't need much sanding as it looked authentic enough as it was.  And that's it folks.  Nothing else to do, just continue decorating your project now that you have the old aged wood look that you want.

Enjoy making those decorations and savor every moment.