Saturday, February 22, 2014

Craft Day

It's not every Friday I wake up to a clean house, laundry all done and so much free time on my hands.  So with some coffee in my cup, a Jerry Lewis movie on Netflix and me still in my jammies, I decided to finish up some crafts.

Oh what fun I had.  First off,  I finished my burlap wreath inspired by someone on Pinterest.

I then noticed how sickly Mr. Gnome looked.  I've had him for at least 3 years guarding our front lawn.  I first thought about throwing him away but then it dawned on me that I could probably give him a makeover

and I did!!  It was so much fun!

So, if you have a sickly looking Mr. Gnome, I'll be glad to give him a make over if you don't feel like it ;)

Have a great weekend and remember to savor every moment!


  1. Hi Bev, your new buttons turned out so cute. Pretty soon, you will be a whiz at this blogging stuff.
    I hope the shadows disappear off your photos.

  2. Very cute projects. Sometimes it's fun to just relax and do things you love.

    1. The shadows have disappeared and I am so thrilled. I have tried for years to figure this out. Thanks again for all your help, you're a genius in my eyes :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my The Most Bavarian of Towns post! I love living here and I don't take any of my time for granted. Not sure which crystal town you are talking about. The Czech Republic is known for their bohemian crystal and then I think they have the Nachman Crystal factory near Graf in Germany but I haven't been there yet. And I think it's Tschuss?
