Friday, April 11, 2014

2014 Spring Time at Spottswood Place

It's really nothing to brag about compare because 1) so many of these plants are perennials and they  grow back in their glorious selves every year, 2) there are so many other beautiful, green thumb gardeners out there in blogland.  3)I am very thankful for what I can see out my window and I give credit only to my creator and His beautiful handiwork.

What a wildly wonderful world, God!
    You made it all, with Wisdom at your side,
made earth overflow with your wonderful creations. Psalm 104:24
 The only Dogwood Tree on the property, in the backyard.  I truly wish they would last longer but pretty soon, these blossoms will disappear.

 Creeping Phlox - one of my most favorite ground covers.  Another blossom that disappears way too soon.  I wish it lasted all through the Summer.

 Daffodils - I'm blown away by God's handiwork!

 Periwinkles running amuck.  Another favorite ground cover that keeps coming back full throttle.

 Camillias - Another early spring blossom that has become my favorite.  They look like roses to me and have a wonderful fragrance.  They also disappear way too soon. 
Si Gnome and Hubby Gnome.  These guys will jump out and greet you by our front entrance.

 Hyacinth  (Bunny watching guard is sad that Hyacinths time is almost done).  I only had one Daffodil bloom out of this bunch (in the background) and I believe it's because of some certain deer roaming the neighborhood.

Iris (thanks to SweetPea)

Tulip - this is the only Tulip that has bloomed so far.  The others are slowly following behind.  What's the hurry?  They all want to "shine" separately and I like that idea!

Pansies - I'm not sure why they're called Pansies.  These hardy florals can withstand a Spottswood Place freeze and still wake up smiling.  They definitely are not sissies,  I absolutely love 'em! 

Table Centerpiece

Mommy Bunny and The Tale of Peter Rabbit book I cherish

Homemade fence along the rest of the mantel with some faux moss, eggs and carrots

Baby Bunnies, faux carrot and to add to my Beatrix Potter-Peter Rabbit collection, The World of Peter Rabbit Picture Postcards - 110 of them! 

Enjoy your Springtime y'all and remember to savor every moment!


  1. You are so fortunate to have so much going on already! Beautiful flowers..:)

    1. Yes, they come and go too, too quickly. I wish Spring lasted a little longer. Good news though it I will experience a 2nd Spring this year as we may be in our new home in Upper Michigan by mid-May. Can't wait! Thank you for the kind words, can't wait to see your garden! :)
