Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Peter Rabbit & Friends Run Amuck @ Spottswood PL

 It's true what they say that bunnies do multiply.  I'm finding that out at Spottswood Place.

It started with this collection.  I purchased these bunnies at Pier1 last year and the year before.  At the same time I started to develop a fascination with Beatrix Potter drawings as well as her Peter Rabbit stories.

Last year I vowed that I would start a Peter Rabbit collection of some sort.  This box of Peter Rabbit Postcards were the first item I purchased and received.  They are made of exquisite heavy paper cardstock.  I can frame these,  I can even use them as a postcard if I wanted to but I'll wait to do that when the grandkids are a little older.  What a treat to get in the mail if I were a young'un.

 I also ordered two mini-Peter Rabbit figurines.  There are so many to pick from, at least 20.  This is Jemima Puddle Duck - remember her?   She's a few fries short of a happy meal.  She friended a sly fox thinking he was a very nice gentleman but the only one thing on his mind, was having her for dinner.

Here we have Peter Rabbit and Mrs. Rabbit.  She's buttoning his jacket just before he goes out to play.  She reminds him not to play in Mr. McGregor's garden unless he wants to end up in baked pie like his father.  But does Peter listen??

This bunny hopped his way into our front lawn from across the street.  Guess he just wanted to check to see if the grass was greener on the other side.  ;)

 My grand-daughter greets him every time we go outside.

This bunny is on the opposite side from the other bunny.  He belonged to my mother in law and there's no telling how long she had him but I plan to keep him as long as I can.

 I love drawing bunnies and lately have drawn quite a few.  I drew this picture specifically for my sister.  It's not a copy from anyone's drawings, just created it in my head and drew it by hand with my Wacom art tablet.  If you look at those house shoes, they are the exact replicas she and I own.  We will be drinking a lot of tea together once I move near her.  I love my sister very much and we are very close.

 This is a curio shelf that I fell in love with and bought it for pennies back about 30 years ago when we lived in Germany.  For years I had placed in it a hodge-podge of German trinkets that we bought.  Lately I've hung it up with a few seasonal items and always dissatisfied the way it looked.  But now I know what I will begin to put in it, my new Peter Rabbit mini-figurines.  If I buy two a year, it will take eight years to fill it up and I'm okay with that.

This is a quote from Beatrix Potter herself.  They are also the first words you hear in the movie titled, "Miss Potter" (a must see movie about Beatrix Potter if you haven't seen it yet).  I used this framed quote when I created a Peter Rabbit mantel vignette which I copied from the blog, "Be Book Bound".  I blame this blog for the reason and beginning of my Peter Rabbit fascination.

These bunnies are multiplying at my house, how about yours?

Have a lovely and wonderful week and remember to savor every moment!


  1. I love evrything!
    Your grandaughter is adorable in the garden..

    I can't believe what a talented artist you are! Very very sweet..
    I only have the mini seriesof BP's books..and a few odds and ends books..no little ceramic treasures..

    I would wait 8 yrs too:)

    1. Awww thank you Monique. Coming from you that is a GRAND compliment and I am humbled. I dream someday to watercolor like you! Our grandbaby is so precious. She's got spunk and is a go-getter, no shy bone in her for sure. I want to collect BP's story books too, in the small size that they were first published in. Maybe I can find them a bit cheaper from eBay. Take care! -Bev

  2. I found my little books second hand..in a cute store front box they are:-) I promise you are way better at art than I..!

  3. You are too kind Monique, so thoughtful of you, thank you! I would be my dream to find BP books in a cute, quaint store somewhere. I will attempt it though <3 - Bev

  4. I love the bunnies that you drew for your sister and the photo of your granddaughter and the bunny made my heart melt.

    1. Awww Paula, she makes my heart melt too. Thank you! :)
