Friday, September 23, 2011

Homecoming Mum Making Shindig

So some ladies came by this evening and one gentleman I might add.  There weren't as many as expected but we still had fun and were able to crank out 9 complete corsage mums, in just two hours if even that.  We're 1/4th way done and I'm sure the next time we get together, we'll crank out even more now that we're experts.

A special big shout out to Christine Kinney, Christian Kinney and Morgaine Godwin for coming over and helping out.  These guys were the BEST and caught on real quick and started cranking out those mums like nobody's business.    They had so much fun they want to come over again on Sunday!!  How cool is that??!!  Thank you ladies and gent, I couldn't have done it without you!!!  The mums came out exactly the way I wanted if not BETTER!!  Look what happens when creative minds get together! :)

A few of the mums we completed

Morgaine took care of the red, white and blue ribbon backing

I'm so thrilled that our colors are Red, White and Blue.  So patriotic!

Christine and Christian took care of the hanging ribbons, gold trim and the trinkets.  Christian had fun and did an awesome job with the glue gun!!

I absolutely love the way the football helmet looks all snuggly in the middle of the mum

Didn't these ladies and gent do an awesome job?!!

I told the ladies that they had to wait until homecoming to wear I don't know if I can wait, they are too cute!!

Thanks again Morgaine, Christine and Christian!!!  You're the BEST!!!
Here are the step by step directions on making this Mini-Homecoming Mum

I don't have anyplace to store them so I hung them around the football jersey and window in our Chick Cave.  We're a little more than halfway done.

This creation was shared at:
Thursday at Kristen's Creations


  1. Thank you Mrs. Bev I had a great time!!! The SCONES WERE AMAZING!!!!

  2. Coming from the wife of an Englishman, that is BRILLIANT compliment!! :)

  3. Super cute! I had to see where you were from as most people I know that aren't from Texas don't know what a Homecoming Mum is. And the ones who move here are really confused too. Happy to see that mums are a tradition too in Virginia!
