Thursday, March 29, 2012

Some Bunny Loves Me

I bought these bunnies a few weeks ago from Pier1.  The more I see them, the more I fall in love with them.  They are so adorable and oh so photogenic.  They posed for the watercolor painting I painted and posted at the top of my blog

I love their pudgy little tummies

I placed them for awhile on my kitchen counter along with the rustic Easter basket  and cookbook holder I also bought at Pier1

I'm also in love with these rustic Easter eggs and grapevine basket

I moved them last week to the buffet in the dining room.  The table runner belonged to my mom.  There's no telling how long she had it before she passed away in '95 but it's something I will treasure forever.

 This is my favorite picture.  Looks like he's looking straight up at the camera

I have them placed on the center of my dining room table on my favorite Spring tablecloth that I've been using for probably a decade now.  I'm always excited to pull it out to place on the table.  That means it's Springtime and Easter

As you can see, I don't have a lot of bunnies and Easter decorations around my house.  Just never got around to it.  I just might change my mind next year though after seeing "Be Book Bound's" blog.  I've been smitten by her Peter Rabbit mantel and just may end up copying it for next year.  Take a look at it HERE and you'll see what I mean.  While you're at it, take a look at her whole series on Beatrix Potter posts.  They are adorable and I've been spending a lot of time over there lately.

Have a great weekend as it's just around the corner and don't forget to savor every moment.




  1. Those Pier 1 bunnies are nearly too adorable for words!

  2. I love your painting! You are so talented!

  3. I am super impressed with your watercolor. It's beautiful!!

    Cute bunnies too.
    I've seen quite a few of them around blog-land.
    We are no where near a Pier 1... but, I'm thinking I need to make a point to take a trip and buy me some bunnies too :)

  4. Thank you, thank you! It's a side hobby and am enjoying it much more this Spring for some reason. Kerin, you might be able to order them online? IDK, try it.
