Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring around Spottswood Place

Welcome to the springing sprouts of Spottswood Place

Scarlet Flame Creeping Phlox and Touran Neon Rose Saxifraga.  Both will return year after year :)

Tulips and Hyacinth.  I bought these in a pot last year and planted them in the ground a couple weeks later.  I was thrilled to see them come up this Spring.  I must've done something right

 These same Hyacinths from above picture were taken a couple days later.  They're planted just below the sunroom windows so their delightful fragrance was welcomed into the sunroom - who needs Air Wick?!

I planted Red and Pink Tulips along with some Miniature Daffodils a couple of weeks ago just below the sunroom.

Here they are about two weeks later from the picture above this one

Dianthus I eventually planted near the Tulips

Pansies my MIL and I planted near the front entrance to greet our visitors

I threw away the information tag that came with this flower so I can't remember it's name but the purple is so vibrant and the picture still does not display it's beauty

 Camellius around the northeast side of Spottswood Place

 Miniature Daffodils in a pot by the front entrance of Spottswood Place.
For several years I have adored miniature Daffodils from afar and finally bought my own.
I look forward to many more next year
I love and adore having all kinds of flowers, floral bushes and plants around my home and am elated when I'm able to keep them growing and flourishing which is very challenging for a brown thumb.

Hope your weekend is going well and don't forget to savor every moment

I shared this with:

Fertilize Friday @ Tootsie Time


  1. The tulips and day lilies that I planted from pots last year are sprouting up. I can't tell if the hyacinths are or not - - - not sure what their leaves will exactly look like.

    Anyway, none of them are far enough along yet for me to be able to TELL if they will actually BLOOM or not.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    I expect the day lilies will bloom - - - they are very hardy little rascals.

  2. The camellias, hyacinth, and tulips are just gorgeous!

  3. loving all of your spring blooms..
    have a wonderful week,, hugs, Cherry

  4. You have so many pretty spring flowers. My creeping phlox is just starting to bloom. If it warms up tomorrow I'll have to get some photos of it.

  5. Oh ... everything looks so beautiful, Spring-like and cheerful.
    We are a few weeks away from blossoms thanks for sharing!!

    I've started a new blog (keeping the old one private for family) and I'd love to invite you to follow me, and visit :)
    Just click on my name in your comments.
    Hope to see you soon ....
    Hugs Kerin
    from always fixin never sittin blog.
